speaking is one of life's greatest fears. It can make the
pulse race, the hands tremble and the throat turns dry. It’s
true, most people are not confident talking in front of a
Yet, today’s manager must be a proficient communicator,
one-to-one AND often to a large audience. A superior ability
to project ideas, inform and motivate groups is a key factor
when one is being evaluated for promotion to a management
position. So, what can you do to get that edge? How do YOU
become an inspiring speaker, in control and at ease in front
of an audience? Introducing:

the secrets of one of Australia’s bestknown, most experienced
public speakers — Brendan Walsh!
and interactive, the course delivers proven techniques which
you will apply in small and comfortable workshop groups.
will be covered? The topics include....
- You CAN become an effective public speaker
- Communicating one-to-one... or to a large group
- Preparing your talk
- Banishing
the jitters
- Profiling
your audience
- Putting
real power into your delivery
- Building
genuine listener interest
- How
to work the room
- Using
- The impromptu talk
public speaking!
much, much more! Click
Here for more information.
